Unwind stands
Shaftless unwind with pivot arms
with pivot arms, brake and guiding roller
Unwind stands - Shaftless unwind with pivot arms
Unwind stands
Shaftless unwind with vertical lifting
with vertical lifting device, brake and contact roller
Unwind stands - Shaftless unwind with vertical lifting
Unwind stands
Shaftless high-speed unwind
with vertical lifting device, brake generators and hydraulically adjustable reel support
Unwind stands - Shaftless high-speed unwind
Unwind stands
with pivot arms, brake and Contact Roller
Unwind stands - Shaft-unwind
Unwind stands
Turret unwind
Twin-Unwinder with two reel positions, brakes and Boschert Safety Chucks for shaft take-up
Unwind stands - Turret unwind
Unwind stands
Multiple unwind
Quadruple-Unwind with expandable shafts, Boschert Safety-chucks for shaft take-up, brakes and Guiding Rollers
Unwind stands - Multiple unwind
Unwind stands
Shaftless unwind-unit; multiple unwind
Triple-Unwind with units of Dancer Rollers, Guiding Rollers, hinged passing platforms and central hydraulic unit
Unwind stands - Shaftless unwind-unit; multiple unwind
Shaftless rewinder with contact roller
centre-driven, with reel lifting device, Contact Roller and web tension control
Rewinder - Shaftless rewinder with contact roller
Cantilevered winding stations with Contact- and Guiding Roller;
Unwind with brake - Rewinder centre driven
Re-reeler - Re-reeler